Wednesday, January 18, 2012

But, but, but... I don't WANT to go!! (I mean I DO...)

Time to go. Moustache man bustled around us, stacking my bags into the back of his shuttle like a Tetrus master, while I hurriedly absorbed those last precious hugs. I piled myself into the last fold-down seat and smiled out of the over-tinted windows as the sliding door slammed to a conclusive shut next to me. Normally I can handle this part. What got me was the tiny hand of that miniature man waving at me from inside his mommy’s fingers. And the eyes. They have the same big ol’ globes for eyes, letting you see right into their mushy center at any given moment. Kylee and Ryder waved at me together – Mom at their side, blowing kiss after kiss, brimming with tears, and, like always, like me, grinning from ear to ear. And who did I think I was? Some strong-independent-woman type? Some globe-trotter-who-never-misses-home type? Some kind of too-tough-to-cry type? A baby changes that. A year at home living with your mother and your sister as your best friends and closest allies changes that. The shades came down and, without my permission, my own little green globes flooded with 70% water behind them. How was I going to go for so long this time? In baby time, that can be the difference between silent gummy smiles and “Auntie Bug”. I promised myself to Skype them this time. Thank the lordy, lordy, Lord for technology!

One of the pictures that gets me through the day! On my wall in front of my desk.

Pismo Beach! Mom and Tyke! This photo is on my wall right next to the first.

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